In our current global predicament where everything keeps shifting chaotically around us, how do we find our bearings? How do we find new territory for mental and emotional wellbeing? In the world that is increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous you need new tools to succeed.
I hear you worrying to yourself:
- I like this work; why do I feel so overwhelmed?
- I hear you criticizing yourself: I should have been able to handle this….
- Why am I feeling so unsure of myself?
Do you want to know how ontological coaching can help you find your way in these extraordinary times?
We see the world not as it is, but as we are. There are several influences that have shaped our being, doing, and thinking in our lives. You can’t change what you can’t see. My questions will help you to uncover areas where your
thinking is limiting you from achieving desired outcomes and results.
I get you out of old patterns in thinking and behaving and into new actions and perspectives to grow your impact in the world. My coaching process works with the “whole” of you to help you to not only see new possibilities and awareness but also practice to embed and embody actions leading to fulfilment, higher motivation and performance.
Packages start from USD500 which include unlimited e-mail and telephone support throughout the term of the program.
I offer a free assessment session for you to understand if coaching is a right choice for you at this moment of your life.